
If you are using Parsl or planning to try it, join the parsl-project Slack workspace to hear what other users are doing, ask questions, and listen in on and join the community discussion.

We also host an open Zoom video call every two weeks - join Slack to find the link.

If you would like to suggest new features, or participate in the discussion of implementation issues, please follow the project on GitHub.

We welcome contributions! If you would like to contribute to Parsl via code, documentation, testing, or in any other manner, please read our contributing guide.

Usage Tracking

Parsl uses an opt-in model for anonymous usage tracking. To help support the Parsl project we request that users opt-in where possible by setting PARSL_TRACKING=true in their environment, or by setting usage_tracking=True in the configuration object (parsl.config.Config). To read more about what information is collected and how it is used see Usage statistics collection.