
August 14, 2024: A Parsl poster was presented at the NSF PI meeting that has partially funded Parsl over the last 2 years.

April 26, 2024: Parsl is featured in the Open Source Science Initiative (OSSci) Spotlight Series. "Spotlight: Parsl–Productive Parallel Programming in Python."

April 4, 2024: Ben Clifford gave a talk on "The Ghosts of Distant Objects" at PyCon Lithuania 2024. You can watch the talk on YouTube and see the slides on Google Slides.

March 20, 2024: Tom Demeyere, PhD student at University of Southhampton, wrote a blog post titled "Use Parsl to create concurrent computational chemistry workflows" to demonstrate how to run Quantum Espresso calculations using Quacc and the Parsl workflow engine to create comp-chem workflows.

January 18, 2024: Douglas Friedel and Daniel S. Katz presented an overview of Parsl and leading a code-along session at the NNSA-University Workshop on Exascale Simulation Technologies (NUWEST) in Albuquerque, NM.


November 2023: Sander Vandenhaute gave a tutorial on Psiflow, with a strong Parsl component, at the 2023 Machine Learning Interatomic Potential School for Young & Early Career Researchers

November 20, 2023: NCSA summarized highlights from ParslFest 2023 in a recap article titled "Showcasing the Versatility of Parsl."

November 17, 2023: Daniel S. Katz gave a talk on "Research Software, Sustainability, and RSEs" at the University of Wyoming's School of Computing.

November 13, 2023: Community members and researchers presented their Parsl-related work and projects at SC23 in Denver, CO:

  • The 18th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS23)
    • Title: A Data Science Pipeline Synchronization Method for Edge-Fog-Cloud Continuum
      • Author/Presenters: Dante D. Sanchez-Gallegos, J. L. Gonzalez-Compean, Jesus Carretero, Heidy Marin-Castro
    • Title: TaskVine: Managing In-Cluster Storage for High-Throughput Data Intensive Workflows
      • Author/Presenters: Barry Sly-Delgado, Thanh Son Phung, Colin Thomas, David Simonetti, Andrew Hennessee, Ben Tovar, Douglas Thain
    • Title: Leveraging Large Language Models to Build and Execute Computational Workflows
      • Author/Presenters: Alejandro Duque, Abdullah Syed, Kastan Day, Matthew Berry, Daniel S. Katz, Volodymyr Kindratenko
  • High Performance Python for Science at Scale Workshop

October 19–20, 2023: ParslFest 2023, the festival of all things Parsl, happened in Chicago. Videos and slides are linked from the program.

August 11, 2023: NCSA published an article titled Undergraduate Researchers in Action that profiles students in their various internship programs. They highlighted Alejandro Duque, a student from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in NCSA's International Research Internship Program, who uses Parsl and OpenAPI to research ways to integrate modern software tools with scientific workflows.

July, 2023: Ben gave a talk at the #parsl-hackers telecon on serialization in Parsl. You can watch "Same Object, Different Process" on YouTube or see the slides on Google Slides.

June, 2023: The Center for Molecular Modeling (CMM), Ghent University has released Psiflow: Psiflow is a modular and scalable library for developing interatomic potentials. It uses Parsl to interface popular trainable interaction potentials with quantum chemistry software, and is designed to support computational workflows on hundreds or thousands of nodes.

June, 2023: A column partially inspired by Parsl experience was published in Computing in Science & Engineering: "Overcoming Challenges to Continuous Integration in HPC"

November, 2022: UChicago published an article about Parsl's sustainability focus

November, 2022: Parsl was awarded new funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initative to support sustainability in extreme scale biomedicine.

September, 2022: Parsl recieved new awards (UChicago and UIUC) from NSF's CSSI program to support sustainability.

June 2022: Parsl is part of a tutorial on next-generation workflows at PEARC 2022.

June 2022: Kyle spoke at the NREL Connections Seminar on Scalable Scientific Computing with funcX and Parsl.

May 2022: Kyle presented at the HEP Software & Computing Round Table.

May 2022: Parsl was mentioned in the National Academies report on Automated Research Workflows For Accelerated Discovery: Closing the Knowledge Discovery Loop (2022).

May 2022: Kyle Chard gave a talk in the Software & Computing Round Table.

April 2022: Congratulations to Mike Wilde and the Parallel Works team on receiving FLC Excellence in Technology Transfer Award.

February 2022: We have started a new biweekly open development meeting. Join us every second Thursday at noon central (details in Slack).

February 2022: Daniel S. Katz gave a talk on "Parsl & funcX: Build and test challenges" in a SIAM PP22 panel.

December 2021: Congratulations to Mike Wilde and the Parallel Works team on winning an R&100 award/a>.

July 2021: Kyle Chard gave a talk on "Scalable Scientific Computing with funcX and Parsl" at Victoria University of Wellington.

April 26, 2021: Parsl 1.1.0 released.

April 13, 2021: The Parsl team will be presenting at the Exascale Computing Project annual meeting in the workflows breakout on April 17.

April 7, 2021: Join the second WorkflowsRI/ExaWorks community summit focused on advancing the state-of-the-art of scientific workflows management systems research and development

March 4, 2021: A talk that includes discusion about the sustainability of Parsl was presented at SIAM CSE21: R. Ramnath, D. S. Katz, "Case Studies in Scientific Software Sustainability," 2021.

January 13, 2021: Join the first "WorkflowsRI/ExaWorks community summit

October 16, 2020: Dan and Kunkun Tang gave a seminar on Parsl and Composite modeling with UQ / Experience with Parsl in the weekly seminar series for the Center for Exascale-enabled Scramjet Design (CEESD) project

October 16, 2020: Dan presented on Parsl: Pervasive Parallel Programming in Python & funcX: A Federated Function Serving Fabric for Science as a guest lecture for LaTech CSC 452/552 & CYEN 405

October 1, 2020: The new DOE-funded Center for Exascale-enabled Scramjet Design (CEESD) includes support for Parsl

September 29, 2020: Dan presented Parsl in a talk on Research Software Sustainability at the Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing Workshop

July 21, 2020: Dan and Kyle (with Rosa Badia and Jorge Ejarque) presented "A common workflow registry of compute endpoints and applications" (whitepaper, video discussion) for Parsl and other systems at the 2020 Collegeville Workshop on Scientific Software

June 11, 2020: Parsl 1.0.0 released.

May 27, 2020: Dan presented Parsl in a webinar on Research Software Sustainability for the Australia Research Data Commons (ARDC)

May 22, 2020: Parsl used to compute features for 4.2 billion small molecules to help screen COVID-19 drug candidates.

May 7, 2020: Dan presented Parsl as part of his webinar on Research Software Sustainability for the NIH's Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (BISTI)

May 1, 2020: FuncX project (built on Parsl) recieves funding from NSF CSSI.

May 1, 2020: Parsl is being used by DOE researchers to tackle COVID-19

March 10, 2020: Parsl presented at the ECP Industry Deep Dive workshop

Jan 22, 2020: Parsl presented at the Chicago PyData meetup.

Jan 16, 2020: Dan presented Parsl as part of his talk on "Research Software Sustainability" at the monthly NITRD HEC IWG meeting

November 21, 2019: Parsl presented at the Python for High Performance and Scientific Computing on SC'2019.

November 4, 2019: Dan presented Parsl at Unicamp's Center for Computing in Engineering & Sciences' Workshop VI

October 15, 2019: Parsl 0.9.0 released.

October 3-4, 2019: We held our first annual ParslFest user meeting.

September 20, 2019: Dan presented Parsl at the University of Manchester

August 15, 2019: Dan Katz discusses Parsl as part of his talk "Better Software, Better Careers, Better Research" at Sandia

July 31, 2019: Parsl paper Scalable Parallel Programming in Python with Parsl" presented Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2019

June 26, 2019: Parsl paper was selected as a best paper finalist at HPDC 2019.

June 26, 2019: Parsl: Pervasive Parallel Programming in Python presented at HPDC 2019.

June 13, 2019: Parsl 0.8.0 released.

March 19, 2019: Parsl presented at the DOE Workflow Workshop and Hackathon.

March 14, 2019: Parsl 0.7.2 released.

March 13, 2019: Rick Wagner presented Managing Large-Scale Cosmology Simulations with Parsl and Singularity at the Singularity User Group Meeting

February 25, 2019: "Parsl: A Python-based Parallel Scripting Library," poster presented at SIAM CSE19.

January 18, 2019: Parsl 0.7.1 released.

December 11, 2018: Parsl participated in the BioExcel/MolSSI Workshop on Workflows in Biomolecular Simulations .

November 11, 2018: Connor Pigg presented a poster about monitoring in Parsl in the SC18 Student Research Competition.

October 5, 2018: Parsl lightning talk at CASC Fall 2018 Meeting/a>.

August 23, 2018: Ian Foster's presentation on collaborative science with Juypter and Globus at JupyterCon 2018 highlights Parsl’s ability to scale science applications.

July 14, 2018: Parsl 0.6.1 version released with class-based configuration, implicit data staging, real-time usage tracking, and more.

July 17, 2018: Parsl presentation at workshop on Geospatial Use Cases and Core Technical Capabilities.

July 13, 2018: Parsl: Enabling Scalable Interactive Computing in Python presentation at SciPy 2018.

July 9, 2018: Parsl presentation at CHEP 2018 using Parsl for HEP.

June 30, 2018: Parsl presentation and tutorial at workshop on Data Visualization and Exploration in the LSST Era

June 11, 2018: Parsl poster accepted at Third RSE Conference (RSE 2018)

May 23, 2018: Parsl seminar at Notre Dame.

April 18, 2018: "Parsl: Scalable Parallel Scripting in Python" presented at IWSG 2018.

April 18, 2018: Parsl abstract accepted for presentation at SciPy2018.

April 16, 2018: Parsl 0.5.0 version released with Globus transfers, Docker containers, automatic checkpointing, and more.

March 15, 2018: Catch our presentation about Parsl for HEP workflows using containers at CHEP 2018

February 5, 2018: Parsl 0.4.0 version released with automatic elasticity, multi-site support, and caching.

February 2, 2018: Parsl presentation at UIUC/NCSA in room 1040.

November 22, 2017: Parsl and Swift included in the Computation Institute overview of SC17

November 17, 2017: NCSA wins top supercomputing achievement and a best use of HPC in 2017 HPCWire Editors' Choice Awards.

September 1, 2017: We are actively looking for developers, postdocs, and students to help develop Parsl. Join our team.

August 29, 2017: Extended abstract about Parsl published on Zenodo: Introducing Parsl: A Python Parallel Scripting Library

August 20, 2017: Paper using Parsl accepted for publication. O. Sode and J. N. Cherry, “Development of a flexible-monomer two-body carbon dioxide potential and its application to clusters up to (CO2)13,” J. Comput. Chem.

June 19, 2017: Parsl Poster presented at the Second Annual Crops in silico syposium and workshop

June 14, 2017: Software Sustainability Institute blog about Parsl and Swift’s use in the ArcticDEM project

June 1, 2016: NSF Awarded funding to develop a workflow ecosystem: SI2-SSI: Swift/E: Integrating Parallel Scripted Workflow into the Scientific Software Ecosystem